We bear and laugh off such acts, but the slightest hint of serious questioning of the blind faith gets the raw treatment, first from the fringe groups, who create some sort of ruckus that will be backed up by softies, who say that it is hurting the sentiments of believers. Irrespective of the party in power, There have been instances, where books, movies, images or even cartoons, which ridicule the blind faith, faced the brunt of a ban by the state. Even as i write this, some country bombs were thrown by a fringe group on a TV channel office for conducting a discussion show on 'MangalSutra.'
So then, what about the sentiments of the rationalists, atheists or even agnostics, who get hurt every time, when their faith to reason and logic gets quashed by the blind, nonsensical rhetorics? How long should, only they have to tolerate this apathy with no such tolerance coming from the other side.
With the number of recent bans making it clear, where even the fresh government — which came to power on the plank of development, by the way — stands, it seems the development of scientific temperament and reason that the constitution asks of its citizens is at stake. Unfortunately, the governments and political establishments at large are just happy to keep the people there in the dark.
With the number of recent bans making it clear, where even the fresh government — which came to power on the plank of development, by the way — stands, it seems the development of scientific temperament and reason that the constitution asks of its citizens is at stake. Unfortunately, the governments and political establishments at large are just happy to keep the people there in the dark.
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